The TMA Dead Dove Zine is a 18+ non-profit Magnus Archives fanzine exploring darker “Problematic” themes


Thank you for your support


Time Zone: US CST

February 6Launch
February 8Schedule
February 10 - Feb 25Interest Check
February 26 - March 18Contributor Applications
March 25Results Sent
March 31Deadline to Respond
April 1Server invite
April 8Concept Check
April - JuneCreation Period
July 25th to August 25thPre-orders
November 21stProduction & Fulfillment Results Sent
Jan 15th 2023Left-over sales

Dates subject to change


Dead Dove Zine Applications

Zine Applications now CLOSED

Thanks to everyone who applied!

General Guidelines

  • Applicants MUST be at least 18 years old

  • Applicants may apply for more than one role

  • For the portfolios, The Magnus Archives pieces are encouraged, but not required

  • Unpublished works can be sent as a portfolio through Google Drive folders. Make sure to set it so “Anyone with the link” can view

Artist Guidelines

  • Submit links of 1 - 3 COMPLETED (no rough sketches) pieces that best reflect your work. At least 1 must be dead dove in nature and at least 1 must be published

  • Merch art will be considered

  • Artist Expectations upon acceptance to zine: One full-page or a double-page spread illustration. Comics accepted with a maximum of 3 pages

Writer Guidelines

  • Submit links of 1-3 written sample pieces that best reflect your work. At least 1 must be a dead dove in nature and at least 1 must be published.

  • Submitted samples should be 500 words at least.

  • Writer Expectations upon acceptance to zine: One fic around 500 - 3000 words.

For additional questions, contact us below

What is Dead Dove?
Anything involving these topics is inherently dead dove:
Noncon / Dubcon
Heavy gore
What kind of content is allowed?All types of dead dove content is allowed with the exceptions of underage (lolisho). This is due to various countries’ obscenity laws prosecuting people for possession/distribution of it. For the safety of our contributors and consumers worldwide, underage content will not be allowed in the zine.

Is ___ dead dove?
Contact us here.

Is CNC dead dove?

What are the zine's specifications
Currently, The zine is planned to be a Comic Size US standard (6.69 x 10.24) with at least 150 pages.
Details subject to change

What kind of contributors are you looking for?We will be looking for artists (Comics and spreads) and writers (max 3k words).

How will contributors be compensated?

Contributors will receive a physical copy as a thank you. Merch artist will also receive their own merch, Left over proceeds will be given to the World Vision: Coronavirus Emergency Response Fund

Wait! What about Merch?
Merch has been confirmed! A full list will be shared during pre-orders.

Who’s running this?Find us on Twitter :
Philo @pillowphilo
Anysin @anysinner1
Linn @ppoka_p


How do I know if my idea is "problematic enough?"
While we are definitely not looking for "shock porn", the content we are looking to include in this zine must qualify as dead dove. We understand that where this line is drawn varies from person to person, so we encourage you to contact us for clarification. Please keep in mind that the only hard limit is underage for publishing reasons, but we want to be able to showcase works that would not make it into a "regular" zine.
Can I participate and remain anonymous?All contributors will be invited to the Zine discord server but you may remain anonymous and communicate with mods through email.Please be aware that while any major polls/decisions will always be sent out thru emails as well, the discussion of such decisions with participants will happen on the discord.To be fully involved, please join the Zine Server
Do my horny Twitter threads count as published work?No, it does not fully showcase your writing ability due to the Twitter character limit.

My dead dove fic ends with a happy ending / is only in one section of my story. Can I submit that?
Yes, but we ask that the section be explicit. We are looking for your ability to create dead dove content; we cannot judge a quickly referenced noncon scene.

Does my art need to be colored?No but we ask for completed works. We understand this may vary between different art styles but we ask for no rough sketches.

Wait! So if I have a published Fic / Art that is dead dove… am I technically allowed to send just one piece?
Correct, however we’d like to see more work from you. You are allowed to send in additional pieces for a maximum of 3 per role you apply to. As long as the above criteria is met, these additional pieces may be SFW/ Vanilla pieces.

I want to apply for both the writer role and the artist role. Do I need to have a DEAD DOVE piece for both art and writing?No. You only need to submit 1 piece of dead dove content, be it art or fic.

I want to apply for both the writer role and the artist role. Do I need to have a PUBLISHED piece for both art and writing?
Yes, you will need to submit published works for both art and fics.

For additional questions, contact us below